KNRC Logo Hello!      Shé:kon!      Boozho! October 15, 2024
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Greetings from the Kahnawake Native Renewable Centre (KNRC),
a subsidy of First Nation Training Institute Inc,
headquartered on Mohawk traditional territory, Kahnawà:ke, province of Québec.

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From our people to your people

Our mission is to find solutions, fix problems, train our young people and put them to work.

We have carefully screened and selected an exclusive roster of trusted suppliers with products ranging from advanced water and wastewater systems to sustainable housing, renewable energy and life-supporting food production.

We have also identified federal and provincial funding programs to help you purchase what you need.

Our network is dedicated to working with your team and training your work force to confidently install and maintain your systems.

Periodically, KNRC will be posting articles and videos related to our quest for reconciliartion and sustainable solutions. This week, we are posting an article about Bill C-61, recently published by ISC Minister Hajdu to ensure First Nations have clean drinking water for generations to come.

Also, check out our audio series, the Alberta Genome Project, Why Science?.

Links to our previously posted articles can be found at the bottom of our news and info page.

Click here for Solutions to your situation: Emergency Preparedness, Renewable Energy, Clean Water Technology, and Self Sufficient Homes.

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Featured Product Logo

Water Purification Systems

  • Four-stage Purification Systems
  • No chemicals to add

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